River to Valley Initiatives Inc. turns Kallembach Platteville Wisconsin Blight into quality living.

595 Lutheran Platteville Wisconsin
595 Lutheran Platteville Wisconsin

The city of Platteville Wisconsin took by legal fine foreclosure process 13 properties which were in disrepair and blight upon various parts of the community.  Those properties were offered for a very small price under a request for proposal.  River to Valley Initiatives, Inc. (RVI) acquired a property located on Southwest Street in Platteville, Wisconsin moved that structure to another blighted property located at 595 Lutheran Street which had collapsed upon it, owner.  RVI then created a solution for both blights.  Saving and reusing one structure and creating an affordable living.  The pictures show the progress although longer than planned because RVI wants to leave a quality property as its legacy in Platteville Wisconsin neighborhoods.  In the end, we are proud as are the new owners of the finished product, which will house a family and their senior mother.
595 Lutheran Street Platteville, Wisconsin and 420 Southwest Road in Platteville, Wisconsin are better off than when properties were endangering area residents.
Drive by and take a look at 595 Lutheran Street Platteville, Wisconsin

The River to Valley Initiative (RVI) is a broad-based charitable organization, serving economically challenged communities to provide relief to poor, distressed, and the underprivileged in rural communities, thereby lessening the burdens of government, and by combating community deterioration through a holistic approach by working to establish long-term sustainable economies.

RVI will bring together leaders, facilitate collaboration, and assemble resources to promote sustainable development activities that integrate housing, business development, tourism, transportation, agricultural and natural resources, cultural and historical resources,  and infrastructure recommendations and planning detail to address the interdependent challenges of (1) economic competitiveness and revitalization; (2) workforce development; (3) prepare for the development of housing and business development ; and (3) adhere to  sustainable development and livability principles that will serve and uplift economically challenged communities.

595 Lutheran Street Platteville Wisconsin

River to Valley Initiatives, Inc.
